
Privacy Notice

SMILE Data Fusion Facility, University of Leicester contact: Dr Jennifer Carter

This Privacy Notice provides information about how the University of Leicester collects and uses your personal information when you make use of this facility.

The University of Leicester will usually be the Data Controller of any data that you supply for this research. This means that we are responsible for looking after your information and using it properly. This means that the University will make the decisions on how your data is used and for what reasons. You can access more information on this via the University’s Information Assurance Services:

Information Assurance Services
University of Leicester
University Road
T: +44 (0)116 2297945
E: ias@le.ac.uk
W: https://www2.le.ac.uk/offices/ias

Why do we need your data?

We collect data on users of the SMILE Data Fusion Facility so that we can monitor the impact of the facility within the global solar-terrestrial physics community. We will also be able to inform users of any major updates, for example the addition of a science-exploitation tool,to the facility.

University of Leicester’s legal basis for collecting this data is:

Processing is necessary for the performance of a task in the public interest such as research.

What type of data will the University of Leicester use?

Name, email address, name of institution, and country of institution

Who will the University of Leicester share your data with?

Data regarding number of total users over time will be shared within the SMILE Consortium, and also funding bodies within the UK (e.g. STFC). Similarly, summaries regarding the geographical spread of users’ institutionsor the users’ overall frequency of use of the facilitymay be presented. Individual users’ information will not be shared. SMILE is a space mission that is jointly funded between the European Space Agency and Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the SMILE Consortium consists of many members who are located in many countries.

Will the University of Leicester transfer my data outside of the UK?

As mentioned above, we will be transferring summaries of total use of the SMILE Data Fusion Facility to research collaborators located in various countries, where collaborations occur within the SMILE Consortium. These countries will have data protection laws differentto the UK. We will ensure that no individual user data is passed onto ensure that they handle your data safely and confidentially.

What rights do I have regarding my data held by the University of Leicester?

Your normal rights under the Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation apply. However, we need to manage your records in specific ways for the research project to be reliable. This means that we will not[always] be able to let you see or change the data we hold about you.

You can stop being registered as a user of the facility at any time, without giving a reason, but we will keep information about you that we already have and continue to use this for the purposes of maintenance of the facility.

Where did the University of Leicester source my data from?

The data will be sourced directly from an individual user when they register to have access to the SMILE Data Fusion Facility.

Are there any consequences of not providing the requested data?

Registration is required to have access to the SMILE Data Fusion Facility.

Will there be any automated decision making using my data?

There will be no use of automated decision making in scope of UK Data Protection and Privacy legislation.

How long will the University of Leicester keep my data?

In line with the law, we will only keep your data for as long as we need to so that we can support the SMILE Data Fusion Facility for SMILE-data exploitation, e.g. for applications to funding bodies.

Who can I contact if I have concerns?

In the event of any questions about the research project, please contact the lead researchers in the first instance.

The University of Leicester Data Protection Officer is:

Elisabeth Taoudi, Data Protection Officer and In-House Commercial Lawyer,
University of Leicester,
University Road,
0116 229 7640

For further details about information security, please contact the Information Assurance Services team.